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it’s up to us to decide on what terms we go;
I am going to spend the rest of my life disseminating Forbidden Knowledge and ESPECIALLY information that other whistleblowers, patriots, and genuinely good human beings have been murdered for (Such as my “uncle Mike” a.k.a. Robert David Steele.)
In this is way, I have ensured that detrimental info that cost our brothers and sisters their lives; live on for posterity; in the form of Forbidden Knowledge.
So what happens when I actually die, get suicided, or flat out murdered?
That’s where the beauty comes in; all of the information I have compiled will be circulated through multiple marketing campaigns funded by the affiliate marketing channels I’ve spent decades setting up…
but wait; there’s more:
EVERY PIECE OF KNOWLEDGE I’VE WITHHELD (what really happened to the levies during Hurricane Katrina, FEMA’s involvement, and the disgusting exercises conducted, names and details of the world’s underbelly (corrupt government officials, evil doctors and scientists, despotic technocrats, human traffickers, et. al.)
I have been infiltrating, hacking, encrypting (and storing on the blockchain) nefarious networks, evil individuals, murderous organizations and corrupt governments for decades.
And I know for a fact that if I were to divulge the information I have compiled, I would be murdered on the spot. So my insurance policy and gift to the world (although I recommend you DO NOT EVER view the contents of the dark web video vault; it will damage you for life) is that once my fail-proof deadman’s switch is triggered, all of these files will be instantly decrypted and open-sourced for humanity to wake up to how evil this world actually is.
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About Ramiro
Ramiro was born and raised in Rockford, IL with his 2 sisters; one 3 years older, the other younger. As a child, Ramiro had aspirations of being a world-class motorcycle enduro and 4WD off-road racer. Never in a million years did he think he’d stumble into the real estate industry, but you can’t always predict where or when you’ll discover what you’re meant to do in life.
Ramiro was taught at a young age that if you want something in life, you have to work for it. So that’s what he did. And he worked hard.
As the years went by, Ramiro worked his way from opening a custom-designed jewelry store to teaching people how to prepay their mortgage and in a fraction of the time, never wavering in his resolve to become the best version of himself with each career move.
Ramiro got into the real estate industry 27 years ago when he discovered that nobody really understood the principles of real estate and how to leverage money. Because of this he set out to teach everyone how to get free down-payment grant money for purchasing their first home, how to avoid the pitfalls to buying and selling real estate, how to pay off their mortgage in a quarter of scheduled time, and how to invest in real estate.
As his career advanced, Ramiro found his stride creating an international division of agents from around the world and published a bi-monthly Spanish real estate magazine entitled: Vivienda Hispana. This magazine spun off into a weekly radio program which turned into a weekly television show called Real Estate by Ramiro. This TV show was acclaimed by many thanks to its break from the norm of simple houses and descriptions and into a realm where the viewer was taken along to real estate closings, home inspections, termite mitigation, rehabs, and every aspect imaginable in real estate.
Throughout his career, Ramiro has earned numerous accolades, including:
Floyd Wickman's Shining Star
Founder of Real Estate Power Tools
Developer of Creation Source Software
Ramiro lives in Sarasota, FL most of the year with his wife and two sons. In his free time, he enjoys biking, motorcycling, horse-back riding, any adventure sport available. He operates real estate brokerages in Illinois, Florida and Colombia, South America.
Ramiro aims to provide the highest level of service to his clients and takes deep pride in helping them achieve their real estate goals.